We are excited that you have found interest in becoming a part of TCSA; the Dragon Family. TCSA is an amazing place full of energy and excitement and passion. We are committed to attracting and retaining the very best faculty and staff from around the world to manifest the Innovation Statement and Founding Principles. We seek talented and experienced individuals who celebrate and respect childhood and diversity, know how to blend traditional teaching methods with 21st century resources, and are excited about incorporating character education and service learning in their work with students.
TCSA model teacher...
Promotes STEM careers daily
Models professionalism
Passionately pursues their own professional growth and renewal
Hold children at the center of all decisions and actions
Enjoy teaching in fun and engaging ways with lots of energy and enthusiasm
Believes in the power of student/teacher relationships
Utilizes cultural and nature studies alongside real-world problem solving to promote natural curiosity
Cultivates an inclusive and vibrant learning community
Creates a classroom energy that is contagious
Is committed to educating children and the Mission of TCSA
Believes in the IMPOSSIBLE and works daily to create it

K-8 Teachers
We are looking for caring, dynamic, energetic, and passionate educators who teach everyday like their heads are on fire and have a love for Placed-Based and Project-Based Learning, nature, and community. A masters degree or a proven track record or history of achievement is a non-negotiable.
Admin Team Members
We are looking for passionate and caring leaders and directors to help carry out the Innovation Statement and Founding Principles. Administrators who are thoughtful and supportive and embrace the very essence of who we are at TCSA.
Support Staff
Staff at TCSA are essential to creating the culture and environment at TCSA. Teacher assistants and custodians are the heartbeat of TCSA, These individuals are on the ground everyday ensuring the safety and cleanliness of the building and school community. If you are passionate about being a part of our support team, apply today!
Click on Job Description Below

Interested Candidates
Teacher applicants must
• Be a certified teacher in the state where you reside
• Have a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience
To apply, please make us a brief (1-3 min) video of you answering the following questions:
1. What makes you unique or distinctive as a teacher?
2. Describe your favorite lesson.
3. What would visiting educators learn by watching you teach?
4. Why do you want to be a part of the Twin Counties STREAM Academy?
Make it a brief video. Raps, singing, or dancing is not allowed. Do not creatively edit your video either. Use your cell phone to get the raw footage of you! We seriously just want to see you talk about some of the things that make you unique and that matter to us!
Interested candidates should email your video, cover letter, current résumé and list of three references with telephone numbers to Administration at contact@tcsacad.com
****Please put “Teacher Applicant” in the subject line. We plan to start interviewing soon so get your information to us quickly! We cannot wait to meet you!***