Fast Facts
Twin Counties S.T.R.E.A.M. Academy was founded in 2023 by Dr. Tevis Harris and Mr. James Knight, Jr. Both have worked as a teacher and school administrators in rural public schools in eastern North Carolina for several years. One day while creating plans for professional development, TCSA became a dream and future possibility. They began the work to establish and create a school that would inspire students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. These passionate educators have traveled across the country to present their expertise and are coauthors of a chapter in the book Race and Rurality: Consideration for Advancing Higher Education Equity. Dr. Harris and Mr. Knight have successfully assisted schools and districts in overcoming obstacles to student achievement and promoting authentic learning experiences. Their dedication to teaching and learning is evident in their commitment to providing access and opportunities for rural students. Welcome to TCSA!
We've Done The Research
"We saw children get excited about learning as they engaged in collaborative activities about science, technology, engineering, and math. They wanted more and are now inspired by the possibilities."
~Tracy Thompson, Science Teacher
Anything Is Possible!


TCSA in the Community:
Girls In STEM
The Spaghetti Tower Challenge, a classic STEM activity, was the perfect way to captivate and inspire a group of young ladies from the Twin Counties (Edgecombe and Nash County), two rural counties in eastern NC. TCSA was thrilled to be a part of this event, sharing valuable insights about STEM careers and engaging in a lively Q&A session. Our goal was to ignite a passion for STEM in these bright young minds and encourage them to pursue their dreams fearlessly. #STEMGIRLSROCK
"The girls were super excited about having TCSA there! They were so excited that they asked if they could do more activities like this in the future! Hearing the discussion about careers in STEM was inspiring!"
~Sonya Small

Twin Counties S.T.R.E.A.M Academy, Inc. is located in Rocky Mount, NC.